Saturday, January 15, 2005

Misinformed of the Change

Well, I'm not sure if I should call it misinformed, maybe it should be not informed at all. As most of you know I have finished my journeys and frolicks about the southern Pacific, mainly Japan. However the adventure continues into the depths of SanDiego county nestled under the Coronado bridge.
I joined arms with Uncle Sam, with his stories of fighting for freedom, and providing security for the homeland, and at one time I was very proud to have made the choice. The college aid, guaranteed job security, and promise of travel have all proven true thus far, and are all things I will praise the military for, even after my departure. One thing I will not praise, or support is their lies of providing three meals a day.
Through my days in the Navy, I have never been much of a big fan of eating their "chow", mostly because of the name I just mentioned, thats what dogs eat. However, I just spent over thirty days at home, and my checking account was rapidly depleted. I got to the sunny land of San Diego with about forty bucks to last me a week until payday. By Tuesday morning, I was down to about fifty five cents, thanks to having to buy a few comodities, a night downtown with an old pal, dinner with Johnny, Rachel, her brother Josh, and her sister Sarah, and a craving for the ever tasty Mocha Frappuccino(Grande of course).
Now onto Tuesday afternoon when I depart my new vessel of joy, for the barracks on Coronado. Across the street from where I am staying is a "galley", the place where the free "chow" is "served". I venture into this fine establishment seeking the benefits of the contract I signed some five years ago, free "chow". To my suprise a plate of the good stuff runs for about three fifty, except on Saturdays and Sundays it drops to the almost "free" price of one fifty. Thankfully my friend Steve was close enough to Coronado to provide me with a number three from McDonalds that night.
Ah, I forgot to mention that each month, a nice chunk of change comes out of my paycheck to provide those hot three meals a day they advertise. I pay for the meals each month, like it or not, eat the "chow" or not, and I have for five years now. No free meals, two days without food, and I refuse to eat at any of their establishments for the rest of my stay in the service. Thanks for looking out for the members of your Armed Services Uncle Sam, at least your kind enough to give me a portion of my taxes back each year, fucker.


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