Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tread Lightly, Fascism is Making a Comeback

I think we all owe the Good Doktor and Mr. Null a collective "thank you" for their erudite delineation between the "kidnapper" and "rapist" vans. Moving along, I can't argue too much with Mr. Serazio's movie shouts because I don't get out to the picture show and see the "talkies" with much frequency. (By the by, that was a shout out to timey-time)
While I understand the appreciation for the Bourne Supremacy I must stick to my guns and leave Spy Games at the top of my list. Conversely, why are you punching Jeremy in the nuts? "The Life Aquatic" is brilliant, and I would expect that even someone raised on the timeless comedic value of, oh, a little show called "Police Squad", would appreciate this dark and incredibly dry cinematic hue. To say nothing of the David Bowie score set to acoustic guitar and sung melodically in Portuguese throughout the picture.
Clearly the syphilis has either gone to your brain or we need to re-ignite a little game we like to call, "who's behind the 'we'".
-Aden "The Seventh Pillar of Islam" Acklin


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