Friday, March 11, 2005

A Life of Privilege


I enjoyed your song oh so much. I am personally gunning for the coveted "triple crown" of Ivy League rejection: I have been denied admission at Ivy League institutions for undergraduate and then medical college and next year I presume I will not be accepted at any Ivy League-affiliated residency programs. When one is rejected from the Ivies it brings a special sense of failure and self-doubt. After years of personal success and achievment in Dog Dick, USA ones ego can be dashed pretty quickly when even a sleep-over camp for the developmentally disabled like Brown doesn't want you. Perhaps its my Hebreic good looks or your lustfull peasant bosom that blew our chances. Maybe we just don't look right in cable-knit sweater vests. I will say this: nothing grinds more soil in the wound then being associated with one Michael James Serazio- gadfly prince of the Ivy League. Yeah, Mike modestly pulls out the "I've been so blessed to be accepted at Penn. What a wonderful . . . surprise" card with a semi straight face and it compounds one's awareness of your own total failure to achieve entry into the top socioeconomic class in the United States. Mikey and his other Yale club buddies better watch out; we public-university educated folks may not have airily discussed the lesser fiction of John Cheever or audited a seminar on "Hardwood Trees and the Post-War African-American Experience" recently, but we do pretty good work in-close with knives and pipes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lest you forget, Davis, Cornell is considered Ivy, albeit much like Latoya is still considered a Jackson. I myself was denied from Princeton undergrad, but still managed to go to a prep school college and gain a true appreciation of not only cable-knit sweaters, but ascots, blue blazers and using "summer" as a verb. Mike had an unfair advantage, as his sexual orientation classified him as a minority, greasing the entrance process for him. I myself will embark on the second round of Ivy rejections next year when I attempt to gain entry into Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business...


March 14, 2005 at 7:53 AM  

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