Tuesday, August 21, 2007

From the Desk of Nik Anderson

I want my 15 dollars back

I forgot my CDs today. I listened to Tucson radio. Coolio’s gem “Gangsta’s Paradise” made an appearance on the airwaves.

Now, I like a little 90s rap just as much as the next guy, maybe more as many of you are aware. I’ll throw down a little “Jump Around” or “Regulate” no problem. Picture Michael Bolton. Yeah, not the singer.

But “Gangsta’s Paradise” just straight up milks cock. It’s plain tough to listen to. After tuning away to the local soft rock (Tucson’s at work!) station, getting a little “Danger Zone” to calm the nerves (is Loggins soft rock?), I recalled that I am a proud owner of the Dangerous Minds soundtrack.

Did I ever even attempt to take in the whole album? Or was it just too much after song 4 or so? I guarantee I haven’t listened to it more than twice, probably both on the way home from the purchase, and even then probably just Coolio’s motivational little ditty.

I surmised at that point that the Dangerous Minds soundtrack may be my worst CD purchase ever. I know it’s hip to poke fun at some of our older albums, like the Ace of Base tapes we all own (the self titled album I believe), but you know when “The Sign” graces the radio you pump that shit. I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about just straight terrible albums you regretted about 4 hours after the transaction.

So what are some of your illustrious 15-bone mistakes? In addition to Dangerous Minds, I believe I have a Limp Bizkit CD that never even met a laser. Durst apparently sold me at Sam Goody’s with his money goatee. So what’s up? Anybody in for owning up?

Take it easy buddies,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post Nacho.

I thought of a few, but most of my bad purchases are in a box in my parents house that I won't have access to until Chirstmas, so these are the best (worst) ones I could think of:

-Sugar Ray (without a doubt, the worst purchase of all time for me)
-Blind Mellon (one good song)
-Marcy Playground (I like sex and candy and bad music)

I'm sure there are other that I will remember later.


August 27, 2007 at 2:43 PM  
Blogger Steve Bonus said...

Ummm, I definitely still have my Wrexx n Effex cd, as well as a random Blackstreet Album, and a Joe Public (does anybody remember "Live and Learn"?) cd somewhere back in New York...

September 18, 2007 at 9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice work boys. I'm especially happy that Colin has a Sugar Ray CD around somewhere. It warms my heart. And I too had the Blackstreet album, but I think it got stolen before I got the proper play out of 'No Diggity'.


September 19, 2007 at 4:41 PM  

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